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Each integrated chain has its own factory contract. These contracts will be created by Euclid whenever an integration with a new chain occurs. You can read about the factory architecture here

Execute Messages

List of execute messages that can be performed on the Factory contract.



The asset_in in this case is always a native token that is attached as funds to the message. To perform a swap on CW20 tokens refer to Swap.

Performs a swap taking the asset_in and releasing asset_out. The tokens can be released on multiple chains if specified by cross_chain_addresses.

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    ExecuteSwapRequest {
        asset_in: TokenWithDenom,
        asset_out: Token,
        amount_in: Uint128,
        min_amount_out: Uint128,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
        swaps: Vec<NextSwapPair>,
        cross_chain_addresses: Vec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>,
        partner_fee: Option<PartnerFee>,
"execute_swap_request": {
  "asset_in": {
    "token": "tokenA",
    "token_type": {
      "native": {
        "denom": "tokenA"
  "asset_out": "tokenB",
  "amount_in": "1000000",
  "min_amount_out": "950000",
  "timeout": 120,
  "swaps": [
      "token_in": "tokenA",
      "token_out": "tokenC"
      "token_in": "tokenC",
      "token_out": "tokenB"
  "cross_chain_addresses": [
      "user": {
        "chain_uid": "osmosis",
        "address": "osmo1..."
      "limit": "150000"
      "user": {
        "chain_uid": "nibiru",
        "address": "nibi1..."
      "limit": "200000"
  "partner_fee": {
    "partner_fee_bps": 30,
    "recipient": "nibi1..."
asset_inTokenWithDenomThe token being swapped in.
asset_outTokenThe token being swapped out.
amount_inUint128Amount of the input asset.
min_amount_outUint128Minimum amount of the output asset for the swap to be considered a success. Used to specify maximum slippage accepted.
timeoutOption<u64>Optional duration in seconds after which the message will be timed out. Can be set to a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 240 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.
swapsVec<NextSwapPair>The different swaps to get from asset_in to asset_out. This could be a direct swap or multiple swaps. For example, if swapping from token A to B, the swaps can be A -> B directly, or A -> C then C-> D then D->B. Usually the most efficient route is used.
cross_chain_addressesVec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>A set of addresses to specify where the asset_out should be released. The first element specified in the vector has highest priority and so on. User specifies a limit for each provided address which indicates the amount of funds that should be released to that address. In case there are any leftover funds, they are added to the user's virtual balance for the address that initiated the swap. If limit is not specified, then the maximum amount is taken.
partner_feeOption<PartnerFee>Optional partner fee information for swaps. The maximum fee that can be set is 30 (0.3%).
  • The swap paths are calculated on the backend when using the Eulcid API and the most efficient path is used by default for the swaps field.

With the following structs:

/// The next token pair in the swap route
pub struct NextSwapPair {
pub token_in: Token,
pub token_out: Token,

// The percentage of the fee for the platform. Specified in basis points ie. 1 = 0.01% 10000 = 100%
pub struct PartnerFee {
// Cannot be set greater than 30 (0.3%)
pub partner_fee_bps: u64,
//address to receive the fee.
pub recipient: String,


Withdraws funds from the user's virtual balance (Voucher tokens) to the specified chains.

pub enum ExecuteMsg{
 WithdrawVirtualBalance {
        token: Token,
        amount: Uint128,
        cross_chain_addresses: Vec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
    "withdraw_virtual_balance": {
        "token": "usdt",
        "amount": "10000",
        "cross_chain_addresses": [
                "user": {
                    "chain_uid": "nibiru",
                    "address": "nibi1..."
                "limit": "500"
                "user": {
                    "chain_uid": "osmosis",
                    "address": "osmo1..."
        "timeout": 100
tokenTokenThe token to withdraw.
amountUint128The amount of fund to withdraw.
cross_chain_addressesVec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>A set of addresses to specify where the funds should be released. The first element specified in the vector has highest priority and so on. User specifies a limit for each provided address which indicates the amount of funds that should be released to that address. If limit is not specified, then the maximum amount is taken.
timeoutOption<u64>Optional duration in seconds after which the message will be timed out. Can be set to a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 240 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.


Transfers tokens from the sender's virtual balance tokens to another address.

pub enum ExecuteMsg{
 TransferVirtualBalance {
        token: Token,
        amount: Uint128,
        recipient_address: CrossChainUser,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
  "transfer_virtual_balance": {
    "token": "Euclid",
    "amount": "10000000",
    "recipient_address": {
      "chain_uid": "nibiru",
      "address": "nibi1..."
    "timeout": 60
tokenTokenThe token Id of the token to transfer.
amountUint128The amount of virtual balance tokens to transfer.
recipient_addressCrossChainUserThe address on the target chain to which the funds should be sent.
timeoutOption<u64>Optional duration in seconds after which the message will be timed out. Can be set to a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 240 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.



The user will receive LP tokens representing their share of liquidity in the pool. These tokens can be then used to withdraw the added liquidity later on.

Send a message to the VLP requesting the addition of liquidity to the specified token pair. There are two types of tokens that can be used:

  • Native: For native, funds should be attached along with the message.
  • CW20: For CW20, the tokens should be provided to the factory contract as a CW20 allowance before calling AddLiquidityRequest. The factory will then handle the transfer of the tokens to the pool.
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
  AddLiquidityRequest {
        pair_info: PairWithDenomAndAmount,
        slippage_tolerance_bps: u64,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
  "add_liquidity_request": {
    "pair_info": {
      "token_1": {
        "token": "token-1-id",
        "amount": "10000",
        "token_type": {
          "native": {
            "denom": "native-denom-1"
      "token_2": {
        "token": "token-2-id",
        "amount": "40000",
        "token_type": {
          "native": {
            "denom": "native-denom-2"
    "slippage_tolerance_bps": 300,
    "timeout": 120
pair_infoPairWithDenomAndAmountThe tokens to add liquidity to, with the amount for each.
slippage_tolerance_bpsu64The amount of slippage tolerated. If the slippage amount surpasses the specified amount, the request will fail and the user receives back the tokens. Specified as a percentage between 1 and 100 using basis points (100bps=1%).
timeoutOption<u64>Optional duration in seconds after which the message will be timed out. Can be set to a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 240 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.


Sends a request to the VSL to create a new pool.

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
     RequestPoolCreation {
        pair: PairWithDenom,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
        lp_token_name: String,
        lp_token_symbol: String,
        lp_token_decimal: u8,
        lp_token_marketing: Option<cw20_base::msg::InstantiateMarketingInfo>,
  "request_pool_creation": {
    "pair": {
    "token_1": {
      "token": "token-1-id",
      "token_type": {
        "native": {
          "denom": "native-denom-1"
    "token_2": {
      "token": "token-2-id",
      "token_type": {
        "native": {
          "denom": "native-denom-2"
  "timeout": 600,
  "lp_token_name": "Liquidity Pool Token",
  "lp_token_symbol": "LPT",
  "lp_token_decimal": 18,
  "lp_token_marketing": {
    "project": "Project Name",
    "description": "Description of the project",
    "marketing_url": "https://marketing.url",
    "logo": {
      "url": "https://logo.url"
pairPairWithDenomThe token pair to request creating a new pool for.
timeoutOption<u64>Optional duration in seconds after which the message will be timed out. Can be set to a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 240 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.
lp_token_nameStringName of the liquidity pool token.
lp_token_symbolStringSymbol of the liquidity pool token.
lp_token_decimalu8Decimal places for the liquidity pool token.
lp_token_marketingOption<cw20_base::msg::InstantiateMarketingInfo>Optional marketing information for the liquidity pool token (following cw20_base standards).

With the following struct:

/// Provides information on the LP token for the pool.
pub struct InstantiateMarketingInfo {
pub project: Option<String>,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub marketing: Option<String>,
pub logo: Option<Logo>,
projectOptional name of the project.
descriptionOptional description of the project.
marketingOptional marketing URL.
logoOptional logo information.


Exchange attached funds for voucher tokens.


Voucher tokens can be swapped on any chain allowing users to swap them using the chains with lowest gas fees.

pub enum ExecuteMsg{
   DepositToken {
        asset_in: TokenWithDenom,
        amount_in: Uint128,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
        recipient: Option<CrossChainUser>,
  "deposit_token": {
    "asset_in": {
      "token": "token-id",
      "amount": "5000",
      "token_type": {
        "native": {
          "denom": "native-denom-1"
    "amount_in": "5000",
    "timeout": 100,
    "recipient": {
      "chain_uid": "osmosis",
      "address": "osmo1..."
asset_inTokenWithDenomThe asset being exchanged. Should be native in this case.
amount_inUint128The amount of tokens being exchanged. Should match attached funds to the message.
timeoutOption<u64>Optional duration in seconds after which the message will be timed out. Can be set to a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 240 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.
recipientOption<CrossChainUser>Optional recipient to receive the voucher tokens. Defaults to the sender if not specified.

CW20 Messages

CW20 Receive

Handles the case of receiving CW20 tokens from a CW20 contract.


pub struct Cw20ReceiveMsg {
pub sender: String,
pub amount: Uint128,
pub msg: Binary,

The msg needs to be a FactoryCW20HookMsg encoded in base64.

pub enum FactoryCw20HookMsg {
Deposit {
token: Token,
timeout: Option<u64>,
recipient: Option<CrossChainUser>,
Swap {
asset_in: TokenWithDenom,
asset_out: Token,
min_amount_out: Uint128,
swaps: Vec<NextSwapPair>,
timeout: Option<u64>,
cross_chain_addresses: Vec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>,
partner_fee: Option<PartnerFee>,
RemoveLiquidity {
pair: Pair,
lp_allocation: Uint128,
timeout: Option<u64>,
// First element in array has highest priority
cross_chain_addresses: Vec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>,

These messages are not called directly on the factory. They are attached as a msg when sending CW20 tokens to this contract. The CW20 Send message is the following:

pub enum Cw20ExecuteMsg {
/// Send is a base message to transfer tokens to a contract and trigger an action
/// on the receiving contract.
Send {
contract: String,
amount: Uint128,
// Base64 encoded message of the JSON representation for the message (In our case either Swap or RemoveLiquidity).
msg: Binary,
  • The msg field here should be the Binary encoded representation of the JSON message of a FactoryCW20HookMsg (Swap,RemoveLiquidity, or DepositToken).


Perform a swap on the sent CW20 tokens.

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    ExecuteSwapRequest {
        asset_in: TokenWithDenom,
        asset_out: Token,
        amount_in: Uint128,
        min_amount_out: Uint128,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
        swaps: Vec<NextSwapPair>,
        cross_chain_addresses: Vec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>,
        partner_fee: Option<PartnerFee>,
"execute_swap_request": {
  "asset_in": {
    "token": "tokenA",
    "token_type": {
      "smart": {
        "contract_address": "nibi1..."
  "asset_out": "tokenB",
  "amount_in": "1000000",
  "min_amount_out": "950000",
  "timeout": 120,
  "swaps": [
      "token_in": "tokenA",
      "token_out": "tokenC"
      "token_in": "tokenC",
      "token_out": "tokenB"
  "cross_chain_addresses": [
      "user": {
        "chain_uid": "chain1",
        "address": "cosmo1..."
      "limit": "150000"
      "user": {
        "chain_uid": "chain2",
        "address": "nibi1..."
      "limit": "200000"
  "partner_fee": {
    "partner_fee_bps": 30,
    "recipient": "nibi1..."

The fields are the same for a native swap.

Remove Liquidity


You can only call RemoveLiquidity if you have previously added liquidity to the pool by calling AddLiquidity.

Receives the sent CW20 LP tokens and withdraws liquidity originally added into the pool by the sender.

RemoveLiquidity {
        pair: Pair,
        lp_allocation: Uint128,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
        cross_chain_addresses: Vec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>,
{ "remove_liquidity":{
    "pair": {
        "token_1": "udst",
        "token_2": "nibi"
    "lp_allocation": "100000000000",  
    "timeout": 120,  
    "cross_chain_addresses": [
            "user": {
                "chain_uid": "chainA",
                "address": "cosmo1..."
            "limit": "5000"  
            "user": {
                "chain_uid": "ChainB",
                "address": "nibi1..."
            "limit": null  
pairPairThe pair of tokens for which liquidity is being removed.
lp_allocationUint128The amount of LP tokens being returned to the pool.
timeoutOption<u64>Optional duration in seconds after which the message will be timed out. Can be set to a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 240 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.
cross_chain_addressesVec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>A set of addresses to specify where the liquidity should be released. The first element specified in the vector has highest priority and so on. User specifies a limit for each provided address which indicates the amount of funds that should be released to that address. In case there are any leftover funds, they are added to the user's virtual balance for the address that initiated the message. If limit is not specified, then the maximum amount is taken.


Exchange the sent CW20 tokens for voucher tokens.


Voucher tokens can be swapped on any chain allowing users to swap them using the chains with lowest gas fees.

Deposit {
        token: Token,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
        recipient: Option<CrossChainUser>,
  "deposit": {
    "token": "token-id",
    "timeout": 100,
    "recipient": {
      "chain_uid": "nibiru",
      "address": "nibi1..."
tokenTokenToken Id of the CW20 token.
timeoutOption<u64>Optional duration in seconds after which the message will be timed out. Can be set to a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 240 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.
recipientOption<CrossChainUser>Optional recipient to receive the voucher tokens. Defaults to the sender if not specified.

Query Messages

List of queries that can be performed on the Factory contract.


Queries the information related to the Factory setup.

pub enum QueryMsg {
    GetState {},

The query returns the following response:

pub struct StateResponse {
pub chain_uid: ChainUid,
pub router_contract: String,
pub hub_channel: Option<String>,
pub admin: String,
// Escrow Code ID
pub escrow_code_id: u64,
// CW20 Code ID
pub cw20_code_id: u64,
pub is_native: bool,
pub partner_fees_collected: DenomFees,

chain_uidChainUidThe unique Id of the blockchain the factory is deployed on.
router_contractStringThe address of the router contract used to relay messages from and to the factory.
hub_channelOption<String>The IBC channel used to forward messages to and from the hub.
adminStringThe address of the admin of the factory.
escrow_code_idu64Code code Id used for escrow contracts.
cw20_code_idu64Code code Id used for LP token contracts.
is_nativeboolIndicates whether the factory is native to the blockchain.
partner_fees_collectedDenomFeesTotal amount of fees collected by the partner fee. Each denom and amount is returned.


Queries the Escrow address for the specified token Id.

pub enum QueryMsg {
    GetEscrow { token_id: String },
token_idStringThe token Id of the token we want to get the escrow for.

The query returns the following response:

pub struct GetEscrowResponse {
pub escrow_address: Option<Addr>,
pub denoms: Vec<TokenType>,
escrow_addressOption<Addr>The contract address of the escrow smart contract that holds the specified token.
denomsVec<TokenType>A list of token types associated with the escrow.


Queries all the pools registered in the factory, returning the VLP address for the pool and the token information for the pair.

pub enum QueryMsg {
    GetAllPools {},

The query returns the following response:

pub struct AllPoolsResponse {
pub pools: Vec<PoolVlpResponse>,

pub struct PoolVlpResponse {
// Token Id of each token in the pool
pub pair: Pair,
// Address of the vlp hosting the pair.
pub vlp: String,

pub struct Pair {
pub token_1: Token,
pub token_2: Token,


Queries the swaps that are pending for the specified user address.

pub enum QueryMsg {
    PendingSwapsUser {
        user: Addr,
        pagination: Pagination<Uint128>,
  "pending_swaps_user": {
    "user": "cosmo1...",
    "pagination": {
      "min": "3",  
      "max": "15"   
userAddrThe address of the user to query swaps for.
paginationPagination<Uin128>Pagination parameters.

The query returns the following response:

pub struct GetPendingSwapsResponse {
pub pending_swaps: Vec<SwapRequest>,

pub struct SwapRequest {
pub sender: String,
pub tx_id: String,
pub asset_in: TokenWithDenom,
pub asset_out: Token,
pub amount_in: Uint128,
pub min_amount_out: Uint128,
pub swaps: Vec<NextSwapPair>,
pub timeout: IbcTimeout,
pub cross_chain_addresses: Vec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>,
pub partner_fee_amount: Uint128,
pub partner_fee_recipient: Addr,
senderStringThe address of the user initiating the swap.
tx_idStringThe transaction Id for the swap.
asset_inTokenWithDenomThe asset being swapped.
asset_outTokenThe asset being received.
amount_inUint128The amount of the asset being swapped.
min_amount_outUint128The minimum amount of the asset being received for the swap to be a success.
swapsVec<NextSwapPair>The different swaps to get from asset_in to asset_out.
timeoutIbcTimeoutThe timeout time for the swap. Returned as a timestamp.
cross_chain_addressesVec<CrossChainUserWithLimit>A set of addresses to specify where the asset_out should be released. The first element specified in the vector has highest priority and so on.
partner_fee_amountUint128The amount of the partner fee.
partner_fee_recipientAddrThe recipient of the partner fee.


Queries the liquidity that is pending for the specified user address.

pub enum QueryMsg {
    PendingLiquidity {
        user: Addr,
        pagination: Pagination<Uint128>,
  "pending_liquidity": {
    "user": "cosmo1...",
    "pagination": {
      "min": "2",  
      "max": "7"  
userThe address of the user to query liquidity for.

The query returns the following response:

pub struct GetPendingLiquidityResponse {
pub pending_add_liquidity: Vec<AddLiquidityRequest>,

pub struct AddLiquidityRequest {
pub sender: String,
pub tx_id: String,
pub pair_info: PairWithDenomAndAmount,
senderStringThe address of the user with pending liquidity.
tx_idStringThe unique Id for the liquidity transaction.
pair_infoPairWithDenomAndAmountInformation about the token pair (Token Id, type, and amount for each token).


Queries the liquidity that is pending removal for the specified user address.

pub enum QueryMsg {
    PendingLiquidity {
        user: Addr,
        pagination: Pagination<Uint128>,
  "pending_liquidity": {
    "user": "cosmo1...",
    "pagination": {
      "min": "5",  
      "max": "15"  
userThe address of the user to query liquidity for.

The query returns the following response:

pub struct GetPendingRemoveLiquidityResponse {
pub pending_remove_liquidity: Vec<RemoveLiquidityRequest>,

pub struct RemoveLiquidityRequest {
pub sender: String,
pub tx_id: String,
pub lp_allocation: Uint128,
pub pair: Pair,
pub cw20: Addr,
senderStringThe address of the user requesting to remove liquidity.
tx_idStringThe unique Id for the liquidity removal transaction.
lp_allocationUint128The amount of liquidity pool tokens allocated for removal.
pairPairInformation about the token pair.
cw20AddrThe address of the CW20 token contract.


Queries the VLP address for the specified token pair.

pub enum QueryMsg {
    GetVlp { pair: Pair },
  "get_vlp": {
    "pair": {
      "token_1": {
        "id": "token-1-id"
      "token_2": {
        "id": "token-2-id"
pairPairThe pair of tokens to get the VLP address for.

The query returns the following response:

pub struct GetVlpResponse {
pub vlp_address: String,
vlp_addressStringThe address of the VLP for the specified pair.


Queries the contract address of the LP token (CW20) for the specified virtual liquidity pool address.

pub enum QueryMsg {
    GetLPToken { vlp: String },
  "get_lp_token": {
    "vlp": "nibi1..."
vlpStringThe address of the virtual liquidity pool to get the LP token for.

The query returns the following response:

pub struct GetLPTokenResponse {
pub token_address: Addr,
token_addressAddrThe address of the CW20 contract of the LP token for the VLP.


Queries all the token Id assosiated with the factory.

pub enum QueryMsg {
    GetAllTokens {},
  "get_all_tokens": {}

The query returns the following response:

pub struct AllTokensResponse {
pub tokens: Vec<Token>,
tokensVec<Token>A list of tokens.


Queries the total amount of fees collected by the set partner fee.

pub enum QueryMsg {
  GetPartnerFeesCollected {},
  "get_partner_fees_collected": {}

The query returns the following response:

pub struct PartnerFeesCollectedResponse {
pub total: DenomFees,

pub struct DenomFees {
pub totals: HashMap<String, Uint128>,

totalsHashMap<String, Uint128>A map that stores the total fees collected for each denomination.